Seminar: Vorprozessuale Beweisabnahme – 12. September 2024
AIPPI Switzerland is pleased to invite you to our seminar:
IP Proceedings in Switzerland: Precautionary Acceptance of Evidence
Conference chair: Dr. Lorenza Ferrari Hofer, Zurich
Rolf Brunner, Kantonsgericht Kanton St. Gallen
Dr. Mark Schweizer, Präsident Bundespatentgericht, and
Peter Ling, Attorney at Law; Lenz & Staehelin (ZH).
Louisa Galbraith, Zurich
Where: Berne, Welle 7 (main railway station)
Registration and Information
Registration till Friday, 6 September 2024
Gilles Pfend, AIPPI Secretariat, +41 22 342 66 15
Costs CHF 100.– (AIPPI member)
CHF 150.– (AIPPI non-member)
CHF 30.– (students and AIPPI young members)
Payable to the postal account 80-11897-2
IBAN CH34 0900 0000 8001 1897 2 (AIPPI Switzerland – Basel)