As every year, we have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the preparation of the national reports to the AIPPI Study Questions on the following current IP topics:
1) Q276 – Inventiveness and sufficiency of disclosure in AI inventions
2) Q277 – Registrability of trademarks against public order or morality
3) Q278 – Industrial Designs and the Role of Prior Art
4) Q279- Reasonable awareness in compensation for infringement of IP rights
Preparation of Reports is an excellent opportunity to organise working teams and meetings with other members of the Swiss Group to analyse the Study Questions, as well as an opportunity to promote the work of AIPPI and publish it in the Sic!
The national reports need to be submitted to AIPPI International by 14 May 2021 and will be discussed during the AIPPI World Congress in Hangzhou, China in October 2021. Therefore, please apply by e-mail to until Friday, 29 January 2021.